Wednesday, 30 July 2008

You Tube Clip of the Week!

A 'tribute' to places in East Anglia and those who live there.

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Only in Suffolk...

I read with interest today that trains were delayed this morning between Ipswich and Cambridge at 0650 due to a goat on the line!

Not THE actual goat you understand

The driver initally thought it was a Llama!


Makes a change from leaves I suppose!

The Most Exciting Day in the Village....


Pickle and I set out early, her on scooter, me puffing along behind.

Over the newly installed ZEBRA crossing (HOW long did it take to get one of these?)
and arrive at our destination.......


Most of the village was in there and very nice it was too.

Monday, 14 July 2008

No, No, SO NO!

We are looking for an extra water butt for the garden.
This is NOT what I had in mind.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Amazing what you learn in a day....

Today, Banham Zoo in Norfolk was visited by 30 Reception Class children, including Pickle. I went as one of the parent helpers. I was with 2 (grown up) friends and between us we had 9 children to supervise.

The above photo of the giraffe is the only one I found time to take, but we did see many more animals.

The tigers were a great favourite, although our group will tomorrow be telling their teacher that

'lots of tigers STINK'.

Although this was somewhat true, what we actually meant were

'many species of tigers are now sadly EXTINCT'

but they chose not to hear that version.

The other amazing fact our group picked up from the visit was that Fennec Foxes lay eggs, at least the same size as themselves, if not bigger.

Whose bright idea was it to have 4 ostrich eggs in the Fox enclosure anyway.

There are now at least 9 children in Suffolk who think these foxes hatch from eggs.

I must speak to the teacher before the children do!

Monday, 7 July 2008

Up above the streets and houses.....

A welcome sight after a day of either torrential rain (at school pick up time) or sunshine.

This was spotted bringing Pickle home from Rainbows!

Spooky eh?

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

If my daughters were cats....

...they would be THIS cat.

more cat pictures

Thanks to Icanhascheezburger (again)