Tuesday, 24 February 2009


On Saturday night the Pickle family were amongst many guests sitting silently in the dark at the local community centre waiting for the guest of honour to arrive. It was my friend's 40th birthday and her husband had arranged a surprise party for her with people coming from as far as Europe and as close as the village to be there.
She was told she was going for a meal with her husband at a local pub (which doesn't even do food!) and they were stopping off at the community centre because a friend of their had blown all the electrical fuses and needed help.
The look of surprise/shock/horror on her face when she walked in was priceless and luckily for everyone she did not swear out loud and was REALLY happy to see everyone there.
I am still in shock as one of the guests was a teacher from my Upper School Days who hadn't changed a bit and said he remembered me, but I expect he says that to everyone!
The music was a bit on the heavy side for me but Pickle and the normally pink and princessy friend of Pickle LOVED it!

Headbanging Pickle style!

My friend's 40th birthday continued in style today with a Pudding Club lunch at the local pub (it's a hard life!)

We had a small pasta starter followed by 7 (yes SEVEN) puddings to choose from.
Rhubarb Crumble
Apple Pie
Sticky Toffee Pudding
Chocolate Heaven
Chocolate Brownies
Lemon Cheesecake

Sadly I could only manage 3 but they were delicious.
Roll on the next 40th!

Friday, 6 February 2009


Meez 3D avatar avatars games

This is slightly distubring, I sneaked into Picklessister Meez account to get her latest version and the above picture is what I found! Not yet an accurate representation of her but I'm sure it's only a matter of time. Until then she will be my little Flipper and we all wish her a very happy 11th birthday for Saturday.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

What on earth.....

At Rainbows the other week, Pickle and her friends decorated some gingerbread people, with icing, silver baubles and some strategically placed Smarties.

Not sure who the second one is supposed to be.....

ME: ...errrr Pickle? What are those red bits supposed to be?
Pickle : BOOBIES!

I dare not ask what the silver baubles are!

Monday, 2 February 2009

Only in England.....

...can just 2 inches of snow cause so much chaos. After following Fourpints adventures with his snowblower since before December, I am almost ashamed to post this about OUR snow.

After listening to Heart and Radio Suffolk this morning I eventually discovered both schools were to be closed today by word of mouth from one of Pickle's dinner ladies!

A big thanks (NOT) to Suffolk County Council's School Closure page which was down until the afternoon and to Pickle's Primary School for not telling the relevant people that the school was closed.

Ok, ranting over, Pickle and her sister today made their first ever SNOW ANGELS!
I am usually too scared of what lurks beneath the snow to let them make them, but today I thought 'why not?'

This is Pickle's Snow Angel.

The trains have somehow managed to keep running today, probably because they have 'SNOW PLOUGHS' attatched to the front and back of the trains.
Not seen those before.