Sunday, 30 March 2008

Off across the border into.......


We just went for a spot of shopping, and because I really wanted Picklesdad to see the groovy hand-driers in John Lewis toilets! Yes I know, slightly strange and a little sad but they are so cool! They are Dyson Airblade Hand dryers, and dry your hands in seconds!
Unfortunately the toilets were so crowded I was unable to get a photo of them but trust me they are worth the trip to Cambridge alone.

We parked in the Newmarket Road Park and Ride facility (take note Bury Planners) and went into the heart of Cambridge itself.

Strangely for the end of March it appeared to be Graduation day at Kings College, as Picklessister pointed out 'There are a lot of wizards here today'. Nice way of seeing their poncy gowns I thought!

Whilst Picklesdad spent AGES in a camera shop, us girls ventured along Kings Parade until we found Jim Garrahy's Fudge Kitchen and were able to watch fudge being made.

The fudge mixture had to reach 231 degrees...

being stirred constantly with big wooden paddle....

and then poured onto a marble table to cool.

We didn't have time to see the next phase but once cooled it is rolled and sliced for serving.

Monday, 24 March 2008

Who's that sleeping in...........


It is not Picklessister because she is away at Brownie camp for 3 days!

Luckily it is not 'camp' as in tents but staying in a village hall, just 2 villages away from home. Pickle was very sad that Picklessister would not be home all over Easter, well sad for all of the 2 seconds it took her to work out that she could now sleep in her sister's bed!

Back to her own bed tonight as Picklessister returns home!

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Infant Sorrow

This is ACTUALLY Russell Brand singing a song from his new film, Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Monday, 17 March 2008

Me Time

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

Poorly Girl

For the last 2 days this has been Picklesister. She is poorly with a raging temperature and a bad headache. I have spent the day looking after her (as a Mum should do!), which has involved making lots of drinks, lots of cuddles and watching an entire series each of Harry Hill's TV Burp and You've been Framed that we had recorded on the BT Vision box.
Another day off school tomorrow as she is still poorly tonight( and it's not even outdoor PE day!)
What will we watch though as I think we are all out of Harry Hill?

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Back to Normal

Ho, hum. Party's over. Look how messy my house has got since I've been away.....

Tuesday, 11 March 2008


After a slightly blustery day than usual yesterday, I was amazed by the extensive coverage on our local news bulletin Look East.

I appreciate that SOME areas of the country have suffered dreadful flood damage (again) and structual damage caused by fallen trees etc, but around here it really hasn't been that bad.

Look East featured an elderly couple who were without power, he was trying to read a newspaper in a darkened room and she was sewing. If they had opened the curtains in the room, they would have found it easier I'll bet.

However this morning I am thinking of calling out Look East myself, as imagine my horror when looking out inyo my garden this morning I discovered this!

Yes my watering can had moved from here (you can clearly see the space it was in)

to here!

Seriously though I hope everyone in blog land is safe and well during this freaky weather we are having.


Have just seen tomorrows weather forecast and I will probably be hit by a falling tree as payback for mocking Look East!

Monday, 10 March 2008

Make me laugh Monday

Yes, today being the rubbish day weather wise I thought we all needed cheering up, so I have joined the Make Me Laugh Mondays host Absolutely Bananas

funny pictures
Enter the ICHC online Poker Cats Contest!

Thanks to
for the funny!


The party is still going strong, thanks for stopping by everybody.

Look who else is here! It's Picklessister!

Sunday, 9 March 2008

Ultimate Blog Party 2008

Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Party 2008 hosted by 5 minutes for Mom. Thanks for coming.

So what is the Ultimate Blog Party?

Basically it is a carnival for you to meet other mom/mum bloggers, have fun, win prizes and get your blog noticed. Last year over 1000 bloggers took part. I have been invited by Rose from Parenting Issues (t'was her that gave me that lovely shiny award you can see over there --->)

About Me

I am a married 35 year old (for a month yet anyway) Mother of 2 girls, aged 10 and 4 (nearly 5 though).
I am a full time Mum and help out at Pickle's school sometimes and enjoy cooking, gardening, photography, pets, shopping, reading, music, blogging, facebook, internet in general reallly!
I have an unnatural interest in Russell Brand but that is ok as Picklesdad has an unnatural interest in Katherine Jenkins, so we get on just fine!

About My Blog

It is a pure and simple ramble about things that happen to our family. I try to keep it light and inoffensive.

My Party

My party is a VIP party and you are all invited, my lovely readers.

I have dressed my Meez up especially for the occaision but in reality, that's never going to happen! There's no crocs for a start and my hair would NEVER do that in a million years, but what the hey?

The Food

I have baked some goodies for the party....

Some yummy ginger biscuits


some not quite so yummy savoury slices for Picklesdad (many MANY food intolerances!)

To visit all the Ultimate Blog Parties visit 5 Minutes For Mom and check out all the blogs that have added their details on Mr Linky. There are also competitions and prizes. Prizes include DVDs, books, chocolates and much more. Visit the Ultimate Blog Party 2008 Prize Page for further details. And there is still time for you to take part - the party runs until March 14th, visit the Ultimate Blog Party Instruction Page.

Have a great party!

Many many apologies to Rose as I have blatantly copied vast parts of your blog as I found it most confusing! Thanks for the help!

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Happy Mother's Day....

to all Mums out there, especially MINE!

Photo courtesey of Pickle - Age 4 and 11 months

Today I found out that Picklesgrandma and Picklesgrandad are actually reading my blog, so I had better be careful what I write from now on. We have just spent a lovely day with them, and had lunch with Picklesothergrandma and Picklesauntie and Picklescousin as well (gosh this is getting confusing now) at Bressingham Garden Centre.

Picklesgrandma and I were very good and DIDN'T have the yummy looking profiteroles for pudding like the lady opposite did. I'm sure we feel much better for NOT having had them (yeah right!)

Thank you to Pickle and Picklesister for managing not to fight ALL DAY (or until bedtime anyway) and for my wonderful Morrissey cd, and other gifts, including breakfast in bed at 0720 this morning (on a SUNDAY!).