Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Highlight of the Week

Sadly I have no footage to show you not even a photo, but my highlight of the week/month has been Pickle's Harvest Festival in the village church where the vicar performed the 'Harvest Samba' on a pair of bongo drums. Obviously it had to be seen to be believed but you will just have to trust me ...


Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Letters from School

In Pickle's book bag today were 2 letters from the school.

Letter 1: On December 11th it is School Christmas Lunch. Fill in form and return ASAP if Pickle wants it. She does NOT. Why so early? So they can get the sprouts on the boil now I guess?

Letter 2 : On December 18th it is Christmas Party Day. Fill in form and return ASAP if Pickle wants special 'Party Packed Lunch' costing £2.70. She is not getting one at that price even if she did want one - which she doesn't. Where are they getting this lunch from - Harrods?

So I wasn't over zealous in my counting the days till Christmas post after all.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

How many ???!!?!?!?


That's how many days until Christmas everybody!

Friday, 12 September 2008

The tagging....

Thanks again, to 21st Century Mummy who tagged me for this. Last night went relatively peacefully, although Picklessister did shout in the middle of the night that her friend was stealing her homework and later on something about changing rooms. Just a normal event in the house of a sleepwalking/talking child!

  1. Where was I 10 years ago?
I was still a relatively new Mum to a 7 month old baby who was crawling all over the house. It was a whole new stage, I had only just got used to having a small person in the house when she started to move independently.We still lived in Bury itself in those days, and I was still only 26. Sigh!

2. What's on my to do list today?

Clean out the rabbit hutch, it’s that time of year again and he is moulting.

Order that Russell Brand calendar off ebay before they all go ( I’m not the only one I’m sure)

Find the missing remote control (probably involving taking the sofas to pieces, wouldn’t be the first time)

Tidy the Lego away, because no matter what anyone says they haven’t played with it in bloody ages and I am fed up standing on it. OUCH!

Prepare myself for Picklessister’s apple crumble she made at school.

Homework, Homework and more homework. Pickle (at year 1 primary school) appears to be getting more homework than her sister (Year 6 at middle school)

3. What if I was a billionaire?

I would buy my children a house each because they are never going to afford one of their own and will be living with us FOREVER if I don’t.

Ensure that my parents had enough money to retire happily to Cromer.

Set up animal homes for mistreated animals of all shapes and sizes.

4. Five places I have lived

Um....Bury, Bury, Bury and here! I know that’s only 4 but that’s it, for now!

5. Snacks I like

Those Indian snacky bits out of Bombay mix that aren’t nut, lentils, peas or whatnot.
The kid’s Dairylea cheesy dipper things
Crisps – any sort
Toast and Marmite

6. 3 bad habits

Sometimes still biting my nails, even though I have given up
Not shutting drawers properly, just leaving them about 1cm open
Buying too many 'bargains' on ebay but not selling enough of my own.

7. Who am I tagging?

Karan at http://mkmreno.blogspot.com/ - hope you don't mind me intruding on your blog!

Ruby at http://yorkdailyphoto.blogspot.com/ - to prove you do still exist!

Hoffy at http://www.hoffyschannelswim.blogspot.com/ - If he isn’t too busy swimming the blooming English Channel, again!

Thursday, 11 September 2008


I have been tagged by 21st Century Mummy and I will fulfill this tagging but tonight both Pickle and Picklessister feel sick, so I am off for an early night in case I get rudely awoken during the night.

I just realised this could be for real as it's not even outdoor PE tomorrow, which is usually a sure sign of Picklessister being ill. She had cross country (snigger) on Wednesday, so it can't be that.

Wish me luck.

Sunday, 7 September 2008


4 long weeks after it first became loose, Pickle has lost her first ever wobbly tooth.
Yes the tooth fairy came, £1, not bad going!

Monday, 1 September 2008

Just in time....

Last week we were lucky enough to be just in time to see some of the 'Go Elephants!' display in Norwich. It took a good half an hour to convince Pickle to even look at one of them as she has a strong fear of models/statues. Eventually she loved them and was the first to point them out.
For the last 2 months there have been 54 of these elephants hidden around the city.
They have been designed by different artists and will be auctioned off later this month. The money raised will go to the Born Free Foundation and CLIC Sargent charities.

This is just a few of the ones we found and there were many more we didn't find at all!