Monday 17 March 2008

Poorly Girl

For the last 2 days this has been Picklesister. She is poorly with a raging temperature and a bad headache. I have spent the day looking after her (as a Mum should do!), which has involved making lots of drinks, lots of cuddles and watching an entire series each of Harry Hill's TV Burp and You've been Framed that we had recorded on the BT Vision box.
Another day off school tomorrow as she is still poorly tonight( and it's not even outdoor PE day!)
What will we watch though as I think we are all out of Harry Hill?


Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Cute blog. I found it through the blog party and the name drew me in. My son's nickname is pickle!

Jo Beaufoix said...

Oh poor picklesister. I hope she feels much better soon. Miss E loves You've Been Framed and we love Harry Hill. He is fabulous.

Picklesmum said...

Thanks for visiting 'becoming me', good name that 'Pickle'!

Jo - Today we re-watched several Harry Hill Tv Burps and watched some old Animal Park's on Sky. Now we want to adopt a baby wallaby.

Picklessister is now SO much better she is definitely going back to school tomorrow, even if it is only for 1 day.