Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Basil hides away....

This is for Florrie's Mum.
Picklesdad was very keen on the idea of you recycling Basil, he even mentioned PAYING you you take him, but Basil himself was not so keen and has hidden in a toy box. I think it was the mention of Florrie and not you!

Sunday, 27 April 2008

Basil does his bit .......

...for recycling.

I am fed up of bashing into various bags of recycling that I have hanging off my ironing board in the cupboard under the stairs, so I moved a box into the utility room to put glass bottles and jars in. Less than 5 minutes after I put it there, Basil has made himself at home in it. Surely sleeping on top of a load of glass is not comfortable? Basil seems to find it comfier than his last place of residence which was on top of the fridge freezer!

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Am I getting old?

While sorting out various drawers in my house this week I realised I have accumulated a lot of spare buttons over the years. I collected them together and then realised


I remember spending hours playing with a box of buttons at my Grandma's house when I was young, and MY Mum now has that box of buttons, which I presume she has added to over the years. But to realise that I have a button box all of my own, made me feel slightly strange. And OLD!

Pretty though, aren't they?

Monday, 14 April 2008

Pickle's Adventures in.........


This is Munnings Tearoom in Lavenham named after the artist Alfred Munnings, where we had a fantastic lunch. Sandwiches, scones and CAKE! Thankfully it was coffee cake and not MORE chocolate cake! We had a HUGE pot of tea, which Pickle thought brilliant as we used a tea cosy. She had no idea what a tea cosy was, which I found a bit sad. Her comment made me realise I always make tea in a mug, so I shall be asking Picklesgrandma to knit us a tea cosy.

This is Pickle running down a very steep hill in Lavenham. Who said Suffolk is flat?

Now what was the highlight of Pickle's rip to Lavenham?

Was it?

A) The cakes and juice in the tea shop?
B) Running down a steep hill?
C) Visiting the church and more importantly GRAVEYARD to see lots of dead people?

Yes, it was C!

I worry about that girl sometimes.

Thursday, 10 April 2008

This is me.....

.....after 3 days of birthday parties and more chocolate cake than even I can eat and there is STILL one more birthday and party to go.....

Monday, 7 April 2008

Happy Birthday .......


5 years ago, Pickle made her entrance into this world, by caesarean section. Not because I was too posh to push but because like her sister 5 years before she too was in the breech position and Pickle also had her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. There seemed little choice to me. Her safety was more important than anything. Also a C-section BLINKING hurts and it was 2 days before I could even get out of bed... sorry enough ranting!

Pickle was a much longed for second child, who we are so honoured to have in our family. She is a like a whirlwind and we wouldn't have her any other way.

Happy Birthday Pickle!

Love from
Mummy, Daddy and Sister

Fun Monday

Jo Beaufoix is hosting Fun Monday this week and I feel I may have inadvertently answered her question yesterday, without meaning too.
She wants to know 'Who was your first celebrity crush?'. Although I didn't realise it at the time, I now fear it was Richard O Sullivan, AS DICK TURPIN I may add, not as in Robin's nest. That is very important to know as it makes it slightly less embarrassing.

I had a picture of him on my bedroom door, pulled from the TV Times! I was aged between 7 and 9, so I was not to blame.

I have progressed somewhat since then to

IT IS MY BIRTHDAY TODAY so I am allowed gratuitous Russell Pictures!

PS Nice to see you today Florriesmum, this is for you too!

Sunday, 6 April 2008

On this day....

April 7th 1739 Dick Turpin was hanged.

April 7th 1972 I was born!

Due to this connection, I grew up with a strange liking for highwaymen! Starting when I was just 7 with an unnatural obsession with Richard O'Sullivan as Dick Turpin on Saturday night TV.

Continuing onto

Adam Ant, when I was 9!

On the actual day I was born

Nilsson - Without You was Number 1 single
Lindisfarne - Fog On The Tyne was Number 1 album.

Also born on this great day were

1770 - William Wordsworth (Poet)
1915 - Billie Holiday ( jazz vocalist; deceased )
1947 - Florian Schneider-Esleben ( Kraftwerk )
1949 - John Oates ( Hall And Oates )
1960 - Simon Climie ( 'Climie' of duo Climie Fisher )
1979 - Duncan (Matthew) James ( vocalist, Blue )

Friday, 4 April 2008

Pickle's New Obsession

Pickle has been talking about a certain subject recently.

Case 1.

Location - Top floor of Park and Ride, double decker bus in Cambridge.

Pickle -LOOK!

Picklesdad - Yes Pickle?

Pickle Look what I can see?

Picklesdad - What can you see Pickle?


Picklesdad - Snigger! Um, Pickle? That's a cemetery!

Case 2

Location - Picklesgrandma's Kitchen

Pickle - Grandma?

Picklesgrandma - Yes Pickle?

Pickle - How old will I be when you die?

Picklesgrandma - ...................

Pickle - Grandma?

Picklesgrandma - Um, well, hopefully very very old!

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Birthdays Are Coming

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

Yes, soon there will be 3 birthdays in the Pickle household, within 5 days of each other.
That is A LOT of birthday cake!

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Wow, A blog PRIZE!

Remember the blog party a couple of weeks ago? Well I won a PRIZE for hosting a party. A lovely lady from Luscious Little Treasures contacted me to tell me of my win and to get my details, so she could send me my prize.

Today it arrived, all the way from Atlanta in the USA!

What is it? Well it is described as a Ballerina Barrette Holder. The ballerina bit I got straight away but what is a barrette when it's at home? Well wiki says


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A barrette (also called hair-slide in British English or a hair clip in Australian English ) is a clasp or pin for holding hair in place, usually a woman's.

Barrettes are worn according to size, with small ones at the front and large ones in the back. They are used to keep hair out of the eyes but can also be just ornamental.

So now you know too.

Pickle loves the ballerina barrette holder loads, mainly because it is pink! So a massive thank you to Nissa at Luscious Little Treasures, you have made one little Pickle very happy!