Monday 14 January 2008

Watch Out Nigella....

Watch out Nigella, Picklessister has discovered the joy of 'COOKING'! Now at Middle School Picklessister is a few weeks into the 'Food' block of her ADT subject. It was affectionately known as 'Home Ec' in my day.

Week 1 - Toast, yes my daughter was taught how to cook toast.
Week 2 - Cheese on Toast - Slightly more challenging.
Week 3 - Spaghetti Hoops and Toast - Spaghetti Hoops? Are they kidding?
Week 4 - Bread and Butter Pudding - That's more like it.
Week 5 - Flapjacks -Woo Hoo!

Each week the ingredients have to be weighed out and packaged up AT HOME. Surely this should be a part of the lesson, not to be dumped on Mum at the last minute.?

I helped Picklessister to weigh the ingredients for flapjacks, which then got her in the mood to cook right there and then, so with Pickle happily playing Sims 2 on the PC, Picklessister and I cooked.

This is the Quorn Lasagne she made by herself (I only took it out of the oven for her). It was delicious.

This is the bread and butter pudding which she made on her own ( I broke an egg for her ). It tasted lovely as well.

Both were a little high in fat, so this morning it is onto the healthy breakfast, I am trying some cereal called 'just right', (other healthy cereals are available).

Now forgive me but I think it looks like the sweepings off the factory floor. There are tiny broken bits of cornflakes, odd pieces of rolled oats, sultanas, dried fruit, nuts, and some pieces I have yet to identify. I can't bear milk on my cereal so it is hard work to eat but does actually taste quite nice.

I wonder if it will see me through till lunchtime though?

**Leaves computer to make coffee**

1 comment:

Her indoors said...

Great work Picklesister. That Bread & Butter pudding looks really tasty.

The photo of the factory sweepings looks like Optima...that must have been hard work without milk.