Tuesday 29 April 2008

Basil hides away....

This is for Florrie's Mum.
Picklesdad was very keen on the idea of you recycling Basil, he even mentioned PAYING you you take him, but Basil himself was not so keen and has hidden in a toy box. I think it was the mention of Florrie and not you!


Jo Beaufoix said...

Ahhhh, poor Basil. ;)

Florries Mum said...

Lovely photo-I think Basil is a very intelligent cat. Florrie has not been schooled in cat politics and doesn't really know how to deal with them, so Basil has the right idea. Apart from which BB is allergic to cats so it would be him or Basil. Now there's a dilemma. How much is Picklesdad offering?

Picklesmum said...

Jo- Don't, not POOR Basil he loves getting in things. Black bin liners are his particular fetish!

Fm - Don't give Picklesdad ideas. I'm not parting with Basil, however strange he maybe. I don't think you live near enough a school for Basil's liking, he spends most of the day at ours, he's even been to assembly!

Florries Mum said...

It depends how Basil feels about religion. Its only a short walk along Westgate to the Catholic primary-and once there's a crossing in it should be safe enough!

Picklesmum said...

I'm not sure of his religion, funnily enough it's never come up! At the moment he walks to school the wrong way round the roundabout exactly following the white lines in the middle of the road. He would like a crossing here, wonder who I should ask about that one??

Bury Boy said...

Which paw does he lead with when he goes around the traffic island.